Social Sustainability

Bayer’s success is essentially built on the knowledge and commitment of its employees. At Bayer, employees can positively change the world through their work, in addition to developing themselves further. We want our company to be characterized by diversity, equal opportunity and inclusion, and to enable people of different backgrounds and skills to generate added value for our world. We support our employees with a range of benefits and services to enable them to live healthy lives and provide the best possible service for our patients, customers, farmers and each other, whilst they grow and develop successful careers with Bayer.

We support many local charities, such as Fareshare, Thrive and the National Animal Welfare Trust. Our employees receive an additional day of annual leave to be able to volunteer. We also have a STEM ambassador program where our employees can educate the local community and young people on Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths topics.


What are our employees are doing individually to be sustainable:

Waste Reduction

  • +800Gb of data deleted in team Data Clean Up Initiative – saving 1.1 tonnes of CO2e
  • 10k paper invoices saved through conversion to electronic invoicing 


What are our employees are doing collectively to be sustainable:


Waste Reduction

  • Reduced medicine wastage through labelling agreement we trigger through the MHRA – saving £1.1m of scrappage
  • Successfully integrated sustainability seamlessly into commercial needs



  • Attending our Volunteering days and giving back to the community


Divisional Networks


Our employees are eager to help support us in our sustainability efforts and therefore, each division has established their own sustainability group of individuals who wish to participate in helping us achieve our goals and targets.

  • UK and Ireland: Well-Being of Future Generations Team, helping to drive sustainability throughout UK and Ireland
  • Crop Science:
  • Pharmacy: Pharma Sustainability Action Team
  • Consumer Health: Sustainability Champions