Baylab Activities Privacy Statement

We, Bayer plc, are a so called (“Controller”) for personal data we collect for organising our Baylab events, work experience, competitions and workshops at our offices in 400 South Oak Way, Green Park, Reading, RG2 6AD.

Personal data is any information from which we will be able to work out who the person was that it relates to. For example, for Baylab, we collect the following types of personal data:

•    Names; Teacher and/or Parent
•    Ethnicity for the early career’s events (aged 15-18 years)
•    Educational background
•    Dietary requirements
•    Health information
•    Parent or Teacher contact information e.g. postal address, post code, telephone number and email address.
•    Age of children attending 
•    Gender of children attending

A controller is someone who decides why personal data is processed and for how long. For example, our purposes of processing are in the table below. 

Processing includes many different activities, such as collecting, recording and storing personal data. We will store personal data collected for Baylab for two years unless there is a legal reason for us to keep it longer (for example if there was an accident at Baylab we would keep the information for longer). After that, we only keep anonymized records.


1. Why your personal data will be processed


Legal basis


If you do not provide the data

Manage Baylab bookings and enquiries

We need the data to perform a contract or take steps before a contract is formed

When we receive enquiries for Baylab, we use that information to answer queries, confirm availability (for example cancellations, waiting lists) and managing bookings. 

We may also ask for additional information from you, as some Baylab’s are not suitable for all ages and abilities.

If you do not provide us with the information, we will not be able to respond to enquiries and/or book and provide the Baylab for you.



Legal basis


If you don’t provide the data

Health and safety at Baylab

We need to ensure everyone’s health and safety, and we want to protect your vital interests

If we ask for information about allergies or other special requirements (for example if you need wheelchair access), it is so that we can check that we are able to make adjustments that might be needed for you to be able to come to Baylab so you can make the most of your trip.

If you do have severe allergies or health issues which you do not tell us about, we will not know what to do if an incident occurs. If you need adjustments made for access and do not let us know in advance, it might make it more difficult for you to participate fully in your chosen event. 

Developing and improving Baylab through feedback

It is our legitimate interest to ensure that the services we offer are effective and enjoyed by those that attend

At the end of Baylab sessions, we ask everyone to provide feedback, because we would like to make sure that Baylab can continue to improve our educational experience.

We try to make these anonymous so will not ask for your name but do ask for a post code which can be personal data. You do not have to give feedback, but any feedback given will be reviewed and analysed by us and used to improve future Baylab events/workshops.

Early Career Events

It is our legitimate interest to ensure that these events are appropriate to select the right candidate.

We need to ensure that the content is suitable, and we are being inclusive to students from all backgrounds. 

If you do not provide us with the information, you will not be able to book or attend this event.




Legal basis


If you don’t provide the data

Site security

As part of building and site security, we record visitors to our site. It is our legitimate interest to do so.

In some we need to record the names of individuals over the age of 17 attending the Baylab for security purposes.

Where we request names of individuals for our security record and if these are not provided, our security staff may refuse entry to the building.


We need the data to identify which schools and individuals are entering. 

To communicate regarding competition progress and winners.

If you do not provide us with the information, you will not be able to enter the competition


2. Sources of personal data 

Where the booking of the Baylab has been made via an educational organisation (for example schools, educational charities, youth clubs or similar), the adult booking the trip would share the following data with us:

•    Contact details for lead adults in the group;
•    Ages and genders of children attending; and
•    Information which may be relevant for health and safety purposes (e.g. allergies, access requirements).


To apply or work experience, the child/young person would be required to share the following data with us: 

•    Full Name
•    School
•    Age, genders and ethnicity 
•    Parent email 
•    Exam grades/predicted grades
•    Career aspirations 
•    Whether they are in receipt of Free School Meals 
•    Personal statement 
•    Postcode – postcode is used to look at socio-economic data such as  Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI) scores and local area measures of higher education (HE) participation known as TUNDRA An area-based classification which uses tracking of pupils from state-funded mainstream schools in England to calculate young participation..


Where a place for one of work experience weeks or lab days has been offered, the parent would need to submit the following information to us to secure their place:

•    Name of child
•    Age, genders and ethnicity of child
•    School of child and contact details if placement is happening in term time
•    Emergency contact details - Parent name, email and phone number
•    2nd emergency contact - name, email and phone number 
•    Residential Address and postcode
•    Whether they are in receipt of Free School Meals 
•    If support for travel is required (only available for students that are in receipt of FSM)
•    Dietary and medical information if applicable
•    Whether they give permission for photographs to be taken


For schools wishing to take part I our Lab Coat Competition, when registering you will be asked for: 

-    School name 
-    School address and postcode
-    Lead Teacher’s name 
-    Lead teacher’s contact details – email and phone number 
-    Category you are entering 
-    Estimated number of students taking part



3. Retention of personal data

We will store your personal data as long as necessary for the aforementioned purpose, but no longer than 2 years after the collection of your data.



4. Recipients of Personal data

Commissioned processing
For the processing of your personal data we will to some extent use specialized service contractors that process your data on our behalf (e.g. for IT-Support or cloud services).  Such service contractors are carefully selected and regularly monitored by us. Based on respective data processing agreements, they will only process personal data in accordance with our instructions.

We may share your personal data with our affiliates from the Bayer Group, where necessary for the purposes described above. 

Authorities and state institutions
We may share your personal data with law enforcement agencies or other authorities and state institutions if legally required or necessary for the purposes described above.

External lawyers
In order to support legal decisions and to pursue or defend against legal claims, we may share your personal data with external lawyers.

Prospective buyers in the context of Mergers & Acquisitions
We may share your personal data with a prospective buyer in case of an acquisition, merger or any other type of corporate or asset transition involving a change of ownership or control concerning us or our services.


5. Information regarding your rights

You will always have the right to ask us about what personal data we have about you and ask us to correct it if it is wrong. You can also ask us to limit what we do with your data or ask us to delete it completely. You can also ask us to give you the information which you gave to us. 
For any questions you may have with respect to data privacy, or if you wish to exercise your rights, please send an email to or contact our company data protection officer at the following address:

Data Privacy Officer
400 South Oak Way
Green Park
United Kingdom

Telephone: +44(0)118 206 3000

If you believe that your personal data has not been handled correctly, or you are not satisfied with the response for any requests you have made to us regarding our use of your personal data, you have a right to make a compliant to the Information Commissioners Office, by telephoning 0303 123 1113 or visiting their website at  

This privacy statement was drafted: 17.01.2025